Determination and Health Implication of the Erucic Acid Content of Broccoli Florets

Determination and Health Implication of the Erucic Acid Content of Broccoli Florets, Sprouts, and Seeds

J. of Food Sci., Vol. 67, No. 7, 2002
L. West, I. Tsui, B. Balch, K. Meyer, and P.J. Huth


The erucic acid content of broccoli florets, sprouts, and seeds was found to be about 0.8, 320, and 12100 mg/100 g, respectively. Using the erucic acid limit established for canola oil in the U.S.A. and Canada as a guideline, the estimated dietary intake of erucic acid from florets and sprouts was considered of little consequence, whereas in seeds a relatively small amount (about 35 g/wk) equaled our calculated exposure limit for erucic acid. Additionally, the most complete fatty acid distribution yet published for the various forms of broccoli are presented.