
ISS CitroBio is the most complete organic antibacterial in its class, providing protection against a broad spectrum of contaminants and consistent residual action. CitroBio is a natural citrus extract treatment composed of FDA Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) listed ingredients. It is an aqueous solution of a mixture derived from whole oranges, glycerin, citric acid and alpha-tocopherol.

CitroBio is effective against a wide range of plant and human pathogens, bacteria, bacterial spores, viruses, fungi, and algae fungus. It is used for food safety and extended product shelf life.

CitroBio is appropriate for use in ALL PHASES of sprout production:

  • Seed Disinfection (not to be used in place of chlorine in the USA).
  • Misting or Watering to reduce bacteria during production of bean sprouts and green sprouts – reducing the chance of rot and increasing sprout yield and shelf life.
  • Post Harvest wash water, creating a better quality, safer and longer lasting product.
  • Surface Disinfection of growing and harvesting equipment, conveyors, tools and buckets, tables, floors and walls, transport vehicles, coolers, air conditioning, air circulation equipment, break rooms, lavatories and so on.
  • Hand and Glove Disinfection
  • Boot Dip

ISS CitrioBio concentrate (CB20) is available in both half gallon (1.9 L) bottles and 55 gallon (208.5 L) drums.