• A high percentage of dark red-purple seedlings make Rambo Radish a spectacular sprouting radish variety. These radish sprouts taste exactly like grown radishes. The sprouts just have a stronger flavor. Many find this sprout really good in sandwiches and salads that need to be spiced up with a little sharpness. Contact Us
  • A vigorous grower producing numerous stalks bearing dark green, deeply cut and fringed leaves. They have a fresh, crisp taste and can be used on their own or cooked with meat.  Mizuna greens have a mild mustard plant flavor. Buying Mizuna Mustard Seeds for Commercial Production Recognized as a leading supplier of bulk commercial sprout and microgreens seeds, we are well-positioned to supply you with Mizuna Mustard seeds. We supply growers globally, and we'd love to have you as a new customer. Call now to get our latest seeds and pricing. We can be reached at (931) 400-2710. Contact Us
  • Garlic Chives will produce shoots that grow to a mature height of roughly 12 inches tall. Popularly used to flavor potatoes and salads, Chives are not only tasty, but are also attractive as well. Each plant displays white colored flowers atop slender stems / shoots. Flowering much later than traditional Chives, it's Garlic twins will bloom within the heat of the summer months. The shoots, once cut will add a slight garlic & onion flavor to any dish that they are added to. The flowers also add a mild onion/garlic flavor and can be used as a garnish. Buying Garlic Chives Microgreens Seeds for Commercial Production Recognized as a leading supplier of bulk commercial sprout and microgreens seeds, we are well-positioned to supply you with Garlic Chives seeds. We supply growers globally, and we'd love to have you as a new customer. Call now to get our latest seeds and pricing. We can be reached at (931) 400-2710. Contact Us

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